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오늘도, 별일 없이 달린다
# What I learned while working out. Weight training is often conducted every other day because it requires sufficient rest after intense exercise. It depends on the division method, but there is no division method that exercises at least seven consecutive days a week. In my case, however, I found that a single day of rest dampens the passion for leaving the gym again. There is one thing I learne..
This post has been translated into Naver's Papago. #Visionboard. I have been making Vision Board relatively steadily since 2014. In order not to fall into mannerism or fall behind in reading my life, It can be said that it is an achievement goal set every certain period (months to 1 year). I wrote and carried out this Vision Board activity the hardest when I was undergraduate. The typical goal w..
This post has been translated into Naver's Papago. # Disease. Examples include cardiovascular disease (hyperlipidemia), diabetes, high blood pressure, and hepatitis. Since I was always obese from an early age, I had fatty liver. As it is now, when I was young, I believed in my age and didn't pay much attention. My body has been slowly broken. # 20s. 20s. Was it because I was in my 20s? Until las..
This post was translated into Naver's Papago. # I can't believe I'm 30 years old.Hah! My age is 30 years old this year alone. You can think of me as an uncle just because I'm in my 30s, but I was 29 years old until just a few months ago, so I was in my 20s. Biological age will not be much different between those in my late 20s and early 30s. And this period can be said to be one of the healthies..
# 헬스를 하면서 배운 것 주로 웨이트 트레이닝은 격렬한 운동 후 충분한 휴식을 취해주어야 하기 때문에 격일로 진행되는 경우가 많다. 분할 법에 따라 다르지만 적어도 주 7일을 연속으로 운동하는 분할 법은 없다. 하지만 나의 경우에는 단 하루의 휴식이 체육관을 다시 나가게 하는 열정을 꺾는다는 사실을 알았다. 1년 넘게 웨이트트레이닝을 하면서 명확하게 깨우친 건 하나 있다. 나의 운동스타일은 휴일이 있게 되면 걷잡을 수 없이 운동을 쉬게 되는 타입이라는 것이다. 그래서 나는 헬스장에 매일 나가는 방법을 취했다. 그러니 1년 넘게 꾸준히 다니게 되더라 # 운동은 무조건 집에서 가까운 곳으로... 아니면 퇴근 길목에... 그리고 운동을 빼먹지 않으려면 의지만으로는 부족하다. 사실 운동을 하는데 들어가는 에너..